Industry & manufacturing

Construction, engineering, oil and gas, power, waste management and agriculture

The impact of the industrial and manufacturing sectors on the environment has never been more of a priority. Reducing their effects on air quality due to pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, particulates and VOCs are a key focus for many organisations and regulatory agencies. Many of these sectors are highly regulated and operated under strict guidelines, requiring large, static and extremely expensive compliance equipment which cannot always provide the required resolution to quickly identify problem areas and implement changes at the source of this pollution.

AQMesh is a small, portable and easy to install air quality monitoring station which incorporates over a decade of experience, independently demonstrated performance and proven robustness alongside unbeatable global customer support to provide actionable data in near real-time. AQMesh has already been incorporated alongside regulatory and compliance equipment around the globe to greatly assist in the optimisation of operations in order to increase pollution monitoring resolution and reduce the risk to the health and wellbeing of workers and surrounding communities, without incurring large and unnecessary operating costs.

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