Explore AQMesh

Fenceline monitoring

What is fenceline monitoring?

Fenceline monitoring – or perimeter / boundary monitoring – is the process of monitoring emissions from industrial facilities along the site’s boundary, in order to ensure that any pollution from the site’s operational activity are either not escaping off the site, or if they are they are not exceeding any regulatory limits.

Why is fenceline monitoring important?

Monitoring along the site boundary or perimeter is important for several reasons:-

  • Environmental protection
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Public health
  • Continuous improvement

Fenceline monitoring ensures that any emissions from the site do not cause harm to the surrounding environment. Most operators are required to comply with air quality and environmental regulations, so monitoring also allows industrial sites to check they are meeting these regulations. Monitoring emissions can also help protect the health of anyone living and working near the facility, as well as being a useful tool for identifying opportunities for improving emissions and help with developing pollution mitigation strategies.

How can AQMesh help with fenceline monitoring?

AQMesh is an accurate, compact and robust low cost air quality monitoring system that is ideal for boundary monitoring in harsh environments. Numerous AQMesh pods can be easily installed at several points around the site perimeter to monitor 10+ pollutants in near-real time, using autonomous power options and wireless communications. AQMesh also offers real-time pollution alerts, smart remote support and diagnostics and proven data accuracy.

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Key benefits of using AQMesh in fenceline applications

  • Data secure and accessible on the cloud

    With measurements processed and stored on the secure AQMeshData server there is no need for site visits to retrieve data and should anything untoward happen to the pod, data is still perfectly safe and accessible. The on-board buffer ensures no data is lost if comms are interrupted but cloud processing keeps hardware power demands to a minimum.

  • Easy to install

    AQMesh pods are neat, compact and easy install within just a few minutes and experienced technical staff are not required. A 90 second installation video shows just how quick it is to be up and running.

  • Low cost of ownership

    AQMesh pods require very little maintenance and there is a very low ongoing cost. All we recommend is the electrochemical sensors are replaced every two years, and we replace all sensors for free during the first year.

  • Maximum uptime across the network

    Robust hardware, wireless communications and the secure AQMeshData server mean AQMesh pods can easily reconnect themselves and continue to capture data if power is ever interrupted. Faults or failures can be detected, diagnosed and resolved swiftly and remotely, without the need to visit the equipment.

  • Proven to last in the field

    AQMesh has been on the market and in the field since 2012, with some customers still successfully operating the exact same pods they received 12 years ago.

  • Real-time pollution alerts

    Email alerts can be set for exceedances on any data channel, completely customisable to the user’s required detection limits and can be integrated into other systems for autonomous control.

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Get in touch

Contact our experienced team today for more information about AQMesh and how it can support your monitoring objectives.

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