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Urban Observatory uses AQMesh pods in Newcastle

Urban Observatory uses AQMesh pods in Newcastle
Urban Observatory uses AQMesh pods in Newcastle

55 AQMesh pods are being used across Newcastle and Gateshead as part of a project to provide a digital view of how cities work.

Location: Newcastle, UK

Date: September 2018 – Present

Customer: Newcastle University / Urban Observatory

Objective: To collect information to understand the way different systems interact across the city and provide a baseline against which future cities can be developed and managed.

Deployment: 55 AQMesh pods have been deployed at different locations throughout Newcastle and Gateshead along with 6 reference stations to measure air quality as part of a wider network of over 600 sensors monitoring parameters such as water quality, noise, weather, energy use, traffic and even tweets. The AQMesh pods are also being used as part of the ‘Sense My Street’ tool box which enables local communities to deploy sensors and locate them on the streets, collecting evidence to inform or even change their communities

Results: All of the data is freely available at Newcastle University’s website and is being used by researchers, local authorities, regulators, developers, town planners, businesses and members of the public.

Project website: https://urbanobservatory.ac.uk/

Full news article: Read here.