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AQMesh air quality monitoring news

Supporting your air quality monitoring system when you can’t get to it

Supporting your air quality monitoring system when you can’t get to it

24-Apr-2024Fenceline | Hybrid networks | Industrial | Networks | Product | Support

Each time we think we have found a spectacularly remote air quality monitoring location, an even more inaccessible spot is reported by one of our users. Full-day trips to visit a location have now been beaten by customers who need to charter a plane to reach them. So, remote diagnostics and support are very important.

UK local authority uses AQMesh for cost-saving NO2 monitoring network

UK local authority uses AQMesh for cost-saving NO2 monitoring network

28-Feb-2024Accuracy | Hybrid networks | Local authorities | Networks | PerformanceUK

A UK local authority installed nine AQMesh systems at different points across a busy town, measuring nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at 15 minute intervals, monitoring 24/7. These locations were established monitoring points, where measurements had been taken previously using diffusion tubes, limited to one average reading every few weeks.

AQMesh keeps essential air quality data accessible during lockdown

AQMesh keeps essential air quality data accessible during lockdown

22-Apr-2020Hybrid networks | Networks | Smart cities

Technology is critical to so many essential services during the current global COVID-19 crisis, but it is also allowing local air quality to continue to be monitored, in real-time, across the world.