Explore AQMesh

AQMesh performance

AQMesh is the only small sensor air quality monitoring system that can demonstrate its performance across extensive global co-location comparison trials now spanning more than ten years. AQMesh pods have been operating out in the field since 2012 next to certified reference equipment, in real applications, in real conditions, across all environments, throughout all seasons, for months rather than weeks or days.

During that time, improvements in electrochemical sensors and the unique, carefully developed, fully traceable AQMesh processing algorithms have given a dramatic improvement in performance and accuracy with AQMesh.

The table below shows how the correlation coefficient achieved for NO2 has improved significantly since AQMesh was first launched.

Sensor development

VersionProduction dateNO2 sensorCharacterisationOnline processingTypical R2 *Typical MAE **
V5.3Feb 2021 - currentAs V5.0As V5.0As V5.1, but further improvement for seasonal temperature variation providing greater accuracy and precision stability across the year>0.85<5ppb
V5.1Jul 2019 - Feb 2021As V5.0As V5.0As V5.0, but optimised further below the limit of confidence>0.85<5ppb